illustration of root modification. fig. 27.10 Summary of Root Modifications
Let us see here some modifications of roots, stem and leaves for storage of
Carrot: Tap Root modification
9.1.4 Identify modifications of roots, stems and leaves for different
These are called modifications of root.
Modifications of Root:
Modification of Roots
Body Piercing & Modifications by Anthony. Deep Roots Tattoo; Seattle, WA
plants that require root modifications for a specialised functions.
Subaerial modifications In certain plants with creeping habit the axillary
are usually modifications of the three primary vegetative organs, roots,
Roots on top (20KB)
A runner, sucker or any basal branch which produces roots is called a stolon
nematodes illustrates some of the possible modifications of
By undergoing modifications in their structure, roots perform special
Remove some soil next to trunk to see where first root emerges.
Modifications of taproot. Answer in detail. 1. Storage Roots.
Modifications of Tap Roots. The permanent structural change occuring in the
Modification for Mechanical Support. Stilt roots: In some plants where the